About our Pastor

Our Vicar
The Reverend Doctor Paul C. Edgerton

Originally of Newport News, Va, Fr. Paul came to Wilson in 2002 to be near family. He married Christie, a missionary and elementary school teacher (and very patient woman) in 2006.  Soon thereafter they began the transition to the Anglican way of faith. Fr. Paul teaches English at Hunt High School, and Christie teaches at Frederick Douglass Elementary School in Elm City.

In September of 2008 Fr. Paul, who had served in ordained ministry for nine years in another tradition, was received and then ordained a presbyter in the Reformed Episcopal Church.  He considers this ordination one of the most precious gifts in his life. At the behest of then Bishop Ordinary Daniel Morse, Fr. Paul and Christie were commissioned to lay the foundation for an Anglican parish here in Wilson.

The Church of the Redeemer seeks to bring together the rich sacramental worship of the Church catholic, an evangelical love of Christ and obedience to the Scriptures, and an earnest desire for the ministry of the Holy Spirit and his gifts in service of the Father's renewal of the whole creation.

Since planting the church, Fr. Paul and Christie have had three children. Isaac, Elizabeth, and Josiah were all baptized at the Church of the Redeemer and continue to keep us laughing. Isaac was confirmed here in 2019.

Fr. Paul's initial training for ministry was at East Coast Bible College (Lee University), and his divinity degree was earned at the Church of God Theological Seminary in 2000. He received his doctorate from the Robert E. Webber Institute for Worship Studies in 2013. In 2015 he completed Th.M. studies in Anglican theology at the Reformed Episcopal Church's Cranmer Theological House. Within the diocese, Fr. Paul serves on the Standing Committee, chairs the Nominations Committee, and is an Examining Chaplain for postulants to ministerial orders.

Call or write Fr. Paul at:  252.230.8754     paul.edgerton@redeemerwilson.com

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