Redeemer's Message

Redeemer's Message

Our message is of Jesus Christ as the Redeemer of the whole world and of each person within it. The life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus has begun the healing of the world from the disease of sin. We, as his disciples, have experienced the redemption of our lives from darkness and bondage into light and freedom in Jesus. When we repent of sin, turn to Christ, and receive his Holy Spirit, the image of God is restored in us and we are able to live transformed lives, that is, lives with the life of God as their source. We believe that each believer is called to three facets of life in Christ the Redeemer: healing, discipleship, and ministry.


Humans at their creation were designed to be fully alive and fully in fellowship with God and one another. The sin nature we all inherited left us wounded and alienated from that fellowship. We sin and we are sinned against. Our alienation from God leaves us vulnerable to the lies that come with sin. When we live out of our woundedness and the lies we’ve believed, we deepen our sin-sickness and become increasingly bound. 

 Jesus comes with the Truth. Not only do we receive from him forgiveness for sins – and what a burden lifted that is! – but we receive from him the truths to replace the lies our lives can become infested with. We also receive healing for our deep wounds. We are “transformed by the renewing of our minds” and are able to be in and like Jesus. The old has been redeemed.

At Redeemer, we believe in the power of the Word and Spirit to “set captives free”. Through worship of the Lord, teaching in the Word and way of grace, and through healing prayer and spiritual direction, we see lives changed radically and beautifully. It is what the Lord has done in us, and what we proclaim for all who are in bondage.


The life in Christ is radically different from the life of sin. As we become whole and free, the basic patterns of our living and thinking change to be like Jesus. We learn the Christian disciplines, we take part in the sacramental life of the Church, we live our new beliefs into the practice of Christianity day to day. We are not content to rest. He demands of us as his people to grow and change and improve. The intended fellowship with God and one another is restored as we submit to the work of the Spirit to make us strong, powerful followers of Christ.


Because we have been redeemed from the life of sin and death and brought into love and life in Christ, because our lives are no longer about pleasing the wants of the flesh, but about serving God in love, we find ourselves reaching out to help others in the way of healing and discipleship. Because we have been set free, we love to help others find the way to freedom. One of the tell-tale signs of a Christian is their love for one another, their service in the love of Christ. As we mature and grow in Christ and submit to his transforming love in our lives, we are given gifts and vision to work with the Lord in the interests of others. This is the source of Christian “outreach”. It is the natural development of believers in the pattern of Christ to offer themselves as servants for others. We who were once so wounded and in such sin, are now ministers of grace to the world God loves in Christ.

Many times people are searching for a church that meets their needs with the right blend of styles and programs. They shop for the right fit. At Redeemer we rather think that Christ desires to disciple us into what he wants. We won’t for a moment claim to be the perfect church – we’re growing up and learning along with everybody else. We won’t even claim to be the perfect church for this or that sort of person, as though we were a product for sale. We want to adore the Lord and become his redeemed and redeeming people. The Scriptures and tradition of the Church give us time-honored ways to pursue this. Our goal is to make church more about him than it is about us. We are disciples and worshipers, not consumers. We urge you to know the Lord and to serve him, be changed by him, be used by him. Wherever you are led to do that, we are in union – not competition.

 May the Father of our Lord Jesus fill you with his
grace and peace!

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